Account lockout

Unfortunately, your Active Period is now over and your account has been blocked.

Can you fix it & come back to the Platform?

  Over the past 61 days we have been telling you how important it is to extend your Activity Period. We have even mentioned 2 ways how you can do it.

  Unfortunately, you didn't, and your account is now blocked.

  This now means that you can't access your dashboard anymore. Yesterday we gave you 3 choices on how you can manage the Gold and money in your accounts.


  When our legal department contacts you, please let them know which of the below options works best for you:

 Your gold bars can be mailed to your current address.

 We can sell your gold bars on the market price with 0% buy back commission (you will pay nothing out of your pocket).

 If you are able to prove to us that the breach of your  Membership Agreement was the result of Force Majeure, and you want to get back to full access on our Platform, we can unblock your account if you make your request in the 30 day period.


Send an email to us to make the request: